Man’s best friend is typically our lawns’ worst enemy. The average American spends 70 hours per year on lawn care and maintenance, according to the American Time Use Survey. That number increases dramatically when dogs, chickens, horses, and other animals are added to the equation.
Our pet turf allows homeowners to have a perfectly-manicured green lawn year-round. But the benefits don’t stop there. Your pets will no longer track mud and dirt into the house after a rainstorm. Pet turf is durable as it won’t stain from pet waste. It also prevents dogs from digging holes in your yard. Dogs that like to eat grass and roll around in it are safe from harmful pesticides that can irritate skin and cause severe illness if ingested.
Synthetic grass is the perfect solution for Austin Texas homeowners who care about their pets and their lawns. Contact us today with any questions about our pet turf, installation, and maintenance. Our friendly customer service representatives are waiting to assist you.