Artificial Lawn in Avery Ranch, Westlake, Circle Ranch and Mueller

The average Austin Texas household spends upwards of $2,000 per year on lawn care, including mowing and watering, according to Those numbers are relevant mostly to the average 3-bedroom home with less than a quarter acre of land total for the front and back yards. The larger the yard, the higher the costs. And even with weekly mowing and watering, it is almost impossible to keep a perfectly-primped, bright green lawn, particularly during hot summer months here in Texas. There are so many advantages of installing an artificial lawn in Avery Ranch, Westlake, Circle Ranch and Mueller. It essentially creates a near set-it-and-forget-it scenario for your lawn that pays for itself within 2 -3 years.

Synthetic turf lawns require no watering, no pesticides and no mowing. All of the foregoing saves you money and addresses issues for environmentally-conscious homeowners. This is also important for companies with climate-conscious stakeholders. If your company does nothing else, synthetic turf demonstrates your desire to conserve water, eliminate dangerous chemicals from the water supply and reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating the use of lawn mowers. All of our materials are mercury and lead-free.

Artificial grass is the perfect addition to Austin Texas family homes, particularly those with children and pets. Never spray pesticides or worry about the family dog digging holes in the ground again. Maintenance is a snap. Simply rinse your artificial grass lawns once every 5-6 weeks and rake or broom it to maximize vibrance. Synthetic turf also makes you money. The increased curb appeal raises home values by upwards of 10%.

So how does the process work? National Greens of Austin prepares the surface by compacting the soil and utilizing Geotextile Fabric as the precursor to the actual grass. A Static base is created by layering fine-grad crushed granite that resembles concrete. This process is repeated until a solid, uniform surface forms.

We have many different types of artificial grass for you to choose from. But in most applications, our Multi-Filament Synthetic Lawn Turf is laid on top of the granite surface. That is followed by a silica sand brushing that makes the grass fibers stand up straight. A layer of Green Top Dressing is applied after the sanding to provide that perfectly-consistent, natural green tone for your lawn. Again, most clients choose Multi-Filament turf because it feels and acts like natural gras. It’s soft on bare feet and retains infill materials better than some of our other turf that is more popular in sporting and other applications.

National Greens of Austin has been busy throughout the pandemic with our corporate clients. Hotels, resorts and sporting venues are all turning to artificial turf in anticipation of rising maintenance costs for natural grass. Anywhere with high-foot traffic benefits from synthetic turf. In fact, nearly all new Austin Texas constructions for hotels, multi-family dwellings and shopping centers are installing synthetic turf. The same reasoning is applied to diligent homeowners who are not only anticipating macroeconomic strife, but also want to increase and/or maintain their home values even in the event of another housing crash a la 2007-08. It behooves Austin Texas homeowners and businesses to research all the benefits of synthetic turf. Don’t have time to research? Don’t worry. National Greens of Austin professionals will answer any and all of your questions. Contact us today!